WHEREAS, the 68th annual meeting of the American Society of Mammalogists was held at Clemson University on 19-23 June; and
WHEREAS, a free outdoor sauna contributed to healthy complexions and extensive hiking contributed to healthy bodies; and
WHEREAS, Brynes Hall residents were provided with a legitimate excuse for not taking oft-suggested cold showers; and
WHEREAS, most of us forgot we had symptoms of Lyme's disease before we arrived; and
WHEREAS, the ambient temperature of Brackett Hall Auditorium was intended to acclimate us for next year's meeting in Alaska; and
WHEREAS, mammalogists learned firsthand the survival value of competing with subadults for foraging areas; and
WHEREAS, the paucity of road kills coming into Clemson was explained by their abundance in Harcombe Dining Hall; and
WHEREAS, Tillman Hall Auditorium was clearly designed for dwarfs; and
WHEREAS, despite late night and early morning attempts to sight the big orange cat, Felis clemsoni, mtDNA analyses indicated that it was a big mother; and
WHEREAS, camaraderie was enhanced by free-flowing spirits at pre-pre-meeting, pre-meeting, and during meeting osmoregulatory functions; and
WHEREAS, the Local Committee provided an abundance of Southern Hospitality and organizational efficiency; and
WHEREAS, we were all happy campers;
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the American Society of Mammalogists expresses heartfelt thanks to Clemson University, the Local Committee, and especially our colleague Ed Pivorun for a truly enjoyable meeting