
About the Committee



  • Marissa Dyck
  • Danny Ibanez IV
  • Brooks Kohli
  • Enrique Lessa
  • Alicia Linzey
  • Sue McLaren

History and Mission

The Nominations Committee was established in 2024 on the recommendation of the ad hoc ASM Vision Committee to solicit nominations of individuals interested in leadership positions within the Society (i.e., board members and officers). This marks a transition from limiting Society leadership selection to people who can attend the annual meeting and is intended to provide more inclusion in the process to all members. The committee will work with the membership to solicit nominations for Society leadership positions, provide information and guidance on the process (see our Eligibility & Instructions tab), collect nomination materials, and coordinate with the Recording Secretary and ASM Business Office to prepare voting materials.

The nominations committee composition is determined by the President, adhering to the following guidelines, and will consist of five members and include a mixture of early, mid, and late career ASM members, and with at least one student member. Committee members will have been a member of ASM for at least 2 years for students and 5 years for regular members. Committee members will serve a two-year term and can serve more than one two-year term, with Committee membership staggered. At the inception of the Committee, two or three non-student committee members will be asked to serve a second two-year term to initiate staggered committee composition. If a member of the committee should be nominated to an elected position the member will resign from the committee and a replacement will be appointed for the election.

Nomination form

Nominations will be open from 1 January – 1 April (11:59 PM EST). Go here to nominate yourself or someone else for a position within the ASM Leadership.

Eligibility & Instructions

The nominations period opens 1 January with a submission deadline of 1 April at 11:59 PM (EST). All nomination materials must be received by 15 April (11:59 EST) for a nominee to be considered by the membership.


President-elect: The President-elect will serve two years participating in and learning the management and operations of the Society and will then step into the role of President for an additional two years. In addition, the President-elect will organize the Merriam Award Presentation, chair the Opening Plenary Session at the annual meeting, and serve on committees as agreed upon with the President. The President-elect is expected to attend the Annual Meeting, including the Board of Directors meeting) in person during their time in office.

Vice President: The Vice President serves a 2-year term, with duties that include organizing the Capstone Speaker for the annual meeting, serving as President or President-elect in the absence of either office, or other duties as requested by the President. The Vice President is expected to attend the Annual Meeting, including the Board of Directors Meeting, in person during their time in office.

Recording Secretary: The Recording Secretary serves a 2-year term, with responsibilities for keeping a written record of all scheduled meetings of the Board of Directors. They will provide copies of the minutes to the Officers and Board, work with the Journal Editors to publish a version of the minutes and resolutions in the December issue of the Journal of Mammalogy and ensure that a hard copy is placed in the ASM archives. They will also work with the President to coordinate Board votes and coordinate email communication with the Officers and Directors. The Recording Secretary is required to attend the Annual Meeting, including the Board of Directors Meeting, in person during their time in office.

Board of Directors: Directors-at-Large serve a three-year term, starting at the conclusion of the Annual Meeting. As the policy-making body of the Society, the Board is responsible for helping to guide the decisions of the Society and speak for the membership, approve the budget, and elect and re-appoint the Secretary–Treasurer, Publications Director, Program Director, and Trustees, as well as elect Editors upon recommendations from the Publications Advisory Committee. A slate of 5 new board members and 1 new student board member will be elected each year. Student board members have all the same rights and privileges as other members of the board. Board Members are expected to attend the Annual Meeting in person during their time in office.

More information about the duties associated with each position can be accessed here. Interested applicants are also encouraged to reach out to past officers or directors (http://mammalogy.org/leadership) to learn about the expectations and contributions associated with each position.

Given the unique nature of the Secretary-Treasurer, Publications Director, Editors, and Program Director positions, nominees are identified by the ASM Officers and applicants are appointed and annually approved by the Board of Directors.


  • Nominees must be members of ASM in good standing for at least: 2 years (student nominees for Director-at-Large), 3 years (regular nominees for Director-at-Large, including any students nominated for these positions), or 5 years (Officer nominees). We encourage nominees to be long-term, engaged members of the Society.
  • Nominees must agree to serve and sign the ASM Code-of-Conduct prior to being listed on the ballot.
  • Student nominees must be pre-graduation at the time of nomination. They may be nominated either in the student or non-student pool of nominees (i.e., as a Regular Director-at-Large).
  • Any individual nominated for more than one position must select a single position they would like to be considered for. This change is in response to the shift in timing of the nominations and elections process, which requires all nominees to be determined in advance and voted on with a single ballot.

Nomination Process (Form):

  • Nominee name & contact information
  • Verification that nominee meets minimum for years in membership at ASM
  • Summary of nominee’s qualifications for the position (500 word maximum)
  • Nominees will be contacted by the committee and asked to complete their nomination packet (agree to the nomination; sign the ASM Code of Conduct; review, edit, and/or accept the nomination qualifications summary provided by the nominee; and verify years in membership at ASM). Nominees will also have the option to provide a website link and photo, to aid in identification by the membership during the voting process. Individuals who accept a nomination for President-elect will be asked to provide an additional statement (300 word maximum) about their vision for the Society.


  • Solicitation of Nominations: 1 January – 1 April
  • Outreach to Nominees: 1 April – 15 April
  • Nomination materials sent to Recording Secretary: 20 April
  • Voting conducted: 25 April – 15 May
  • Run-off voting (in case of tie): 15 May – 1 June
  • Announcement of election results will occur at the ASM Business Meeting at the Annual Meeting