About the Committee
- John Kroprowski (President-Elect; jkoprows@uwyo.edu)
History and Mission
The Planning and Finance Committee was established by the Board of Directors at the 1998 Annual Meeting in Blacksburg, Virginia to help ASM officers develop the annual budget as a planning tool, and not just an annual spending plan. This consisted of ensuring the annual budget provides thematic and conceptual guidance including but not limited to producing ASM publications, hosting the annual meeting, supporting student research in mammalogy, and promoting greater understanding of mammals by both scientific and lay communities. In 2023, the name of the committee was changed to the Strategic Planning Committee to reflect a movement back to the original charge aimed at anticipatory budgeting, fundraising and other actions.
With this background, the charge of the Strategic Planning Committee now includes
- Evaluating the philosophy and associated guidelines for use of the Reserve Fund, including the overall purpose for use of both Restricted and Unrestricted portions of this fund.
- Exploring ways in which the Society can increase its impact on mammalogy through growth of Society resources, activities, and products.
- Proactively working with committees to identify issues and society goals and develop potential budgetary and logistical solutions.
Specific charges to this committee include:
- The President-Elect serves as the Committee Chair and presents the President’s proposed budget to the Board at the Annual Meeting,
- The Committee provides direction and advice to the President as needed on budget requests and strategic initiatives furthering the aims of the society.
- The Committee continually evaluates how the Society can improve its relevance to its members and the profession of mammalogy.
- The Committee develops and maintains a prioritized list of intermediate and long-term funding needs, consistent with the mission of the Society, to serve as guidance for appropriations should change to the annual budget be required or possible. Updates on these prioritized needs are presented to and approved by the Board at regular intervals.